Categories - Geographic Location Σ (0)
- Atlantic Ocean (5)
- Australia and Oceania (10)
- Africa (32)
- North Africa (5)
- Central and South Africa (6)
- East Africa (10)
- West Africa (13)
- America (37)
- North America (9)
- Caribbean Islands (13)
- Middle and South America (16)
- Asia (89)
- South Asia (4)
- Gulf Region (15)
- South Korea (15)
- Pacific Region (17)
- Japan (19)
- West Asia (19)
- Europe (191)
- West and South West Europe (14)
- Italy (15)
- North Europe (18)
- United Kingdom (18)
- Central East Europe (20)
- South-East Europe (30)
- Germany (77)
- Kind of Special Facilities Σ (0)
- .. Laboratory (2)
- .. Nuclear Sharing (7)
- .. Use of Civil Naval Port (9)
- .. Depot (11)
- .. Missile Defence (20)
- .. Command Center (22)
- .. Helipad Landing Site (23)
- .. Naval Port (27)
- .. Training Area (40)
- .. Use of Civil Airport (42)
- .. Telecommunications Station (49)
- .. Airplane Landing Site (116)
- Kind of Location Σ (0)
- . USA Global Base (8)
- . Additional Facility View (9)
- . Civilian Location (9)
- . Unspecific Location / Site (11)
- . Military Hot Spot (20)
- . Closed Base (20)
- . National Base (33)
- . Shared Base (112)
- . Foreign or Overseas Base (164)
- Update-Info (6)
- Single Documentation (15)
Tags - *Review required* (27)
- *Update 2021* (20)
- *Update 2022* (1)
- *Update 2023* (5)
- *Update 2024* (20)
- *Update 2025* (2)
- Active: Atlantic Resolve (10)
- Active: Defender20 Europe (15)
- Active: Defender21 Europe (12)
- Base nation: China (5)
- Base nation: France (22)
- Base nation: Germany (2)
- Base nation: Japan (2)
- Base nation: RU (2)
- Base nation: UK (17)
- Base nation: USA (262)
- Base shared: D (2)
- Base shared: EU (1)
- Base shared: NATO (24)
- Base shared: UK (2)
- Base_IT (1)
- Base_NL (1)
- Base_US (1)
- Campaign info (27)
- Region: D | Bavaria (12)
- Region: D | BaWü (8)
- Region: D | Hessen (6)
- Region: D | RLP (37)
- Region: D | RLP KL (18)
- Region: JP | Okinawa (13)
- Region: USA overseas (5)
- Source: .BSR entry (98)
- Source: .BSR n entries (32)
- Source: .Wikipedia list (10)
- Source: Other listing (5)
- Use USA: CSL (30)
- Use USA: FOB (3)
- Use USA: FOL/FOS (14)
- Use USA: MOB (10)
- Use: Drone warfare (12)
- Use: Environmental impact (18)
- Use: Listening station (19)
- Use: Radar station (12)
- Use: UN mission (1)