Every location in VisualBases is unique allocated to one of nine Kind of Location.
Push-pin colours are used in the KML-/KMZ-file available for Google Earth and KML-/KMZ-viewer.
Foreign or Overseas Base
Property operated and mostly exclusively used by foreign military forces.
-> More Info: Examples with Foreign and Overseas Bases
Operated by the national military, but permanent deployment of foreign military forces or telecommunications installation.
-> More Info: Examples with Shared Bases
National Base
No permanent deployment of foreign forces but temporary use.
-> More info: Examples with National Bases
USA Global Base
Bases within the USA with special facilities as part of a global network, i.e. for missile defence systems, radar tracking or drone warfare.
Closed Base Location
Former foreign/overseas military base which is officially closed and not developed for civilian use. The location has typically no cleanup from inherited burdens and could be re-activated for military use on demand.
Civilian Location
Official not declared for military purpose, but strategically important and frequent used from military, as any other form of military cooperation.
Additional Facility View
Additional view or (zoom in OpenStreetBrowser) for special purpose based on specific tags.
-> More info: Examples with Additional Facility Views
General Notes
- With few and justified exceptions the single location category follows the existence of a military layer in OpenStreetBrowser. Civilian locations don’t have a military layer, based on the definition.
- Airports can be defined as civilian (without military layer) or also as shared base (with military layer).
- Military training sites can be national, shared or foreign, depending from the category of other locations in this region.
- Closed base locations don’t include civilian conversion areas.
More info:
- Geographical allocation of data
- Extra kind of location: Hot spots and undefined locations
- Kind of special facilities